
  • Work: A Story of Experience (1873), by Louisa M. Alcott (Illustrated): Louisa May Alcott
    By Louisa May Alcott

    If you've read "An Old Fashioned Girl" you will see a lot of "Polly" in the working girls portrayed in this novel. Readers are bound to enjoy this "new" Alcott novel!

  • Work: A Story of Experience (1873) by Louisa M. Alcott
    By Louisa May Alcott

    In this story of a woman's search for a meaningful life, Alcott moves outside the family setting of her best known works.

  • Work: A Story of Experience (1873), by Louisa M. Alcott (Novel)
    By Louisa May Alcott

    Alcott's concerns about social justice, women's work, domesticity, and community lie at the heart of this provocative novel.

  • Work
    By Emile Zola

    Emile Zola. bourgeois farandole.

  • Work: A Very Short Introduction
    By Stephen Fineman

    LEIBNIZ Maria Rosa Antognazza LIBERALISM Michael Freeden LIGHT Ian Walmsley LINGUISTICS Peter Matthews LITERARY THEORY Jonathan Culler LOCKE John Dunn LOGIC Graham Priest MACHIAVELLI Quentin Skinner MAGIC Owen Davies MAGNA CARTA ...

  • WORK: Promoting Participation & Productivity Through Occupational Therapy
    By Brent Braveman, Jill J Page

    Burgess-Limerick, R., Joy, J ., Straker, L., Pollock, C., & Cliff, D. (2006). Implementation ofan ergonomics program intervention to ... Retrieved from rrpdf/rr211.pdf. David, G., Woods, V., Li, G., & Buckle, ...

  • Work: A Kingdom Perspective on Labor
    By Ben Witherington

    In this brief primer on the biblical theology and ethics of work, Witherington carefully unpacks the concept of work, considering its relationship to rest, play, worship, the normal cycle of human life, and the coming Kingdom of God.

  • Work: The Wally Way
    By Scott Adams

    A Dilbert cartoon about getting ahead at work by working the Wally Way.

  • Work
    By William L, Smallwood


  • Work
    By Stephen W. Smith, Robert A. Fryling, Fil Anderson

    This discussion guide by Stephen W. Smith, Craig M. Glass, Fil Anderson and Robert A. Fryling, inspired by essays in The Transformation of a Man's Heart, puts men's work--how men occupy their time--into the context of their relationship ...

  • Work: Theological Foundations and Practical Implications
    By R. Keith Loftin, Trey Dimsdale

    22 In Paul Marshall, Callings: Spirituality, Work and Duty in Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century England (unpublished manuscript, 1993), p. 24. 23 In Marshall, Callings, p. 25. 24 In Holl, 'The History of the Word Vocation', p. 142.

  • Work: A Deep History, from the Stone Age to the Age of Robots
    By James Suzman

    2 M. Gurven and H. Kaplan, “Longevity among Hunter-Gatherers: A Cross-Cultural Examination,” Population and Development Review 33 (2), 2007, 321–65. 3 Andrea Piccioli, Valentina Gazzaniga, and Paola Catalano, Bones: Orthopaedic ...

  • Work: A Deep History, from the Stone Age to the Age of Robots
    By James Suzman

    "This book is a tour de force." --Adam Grant, New York Times bestselling author of Give and Take A revolutionary new history of humankind through the prism of work by leading anthropologist James Suzman Work defines who we are.

  • Work: Its Purpose, Dignity, and Transformation
    By Daniel M. Doriani

    Are we just to work hard, avoid immorality, and witness to coworkers? Questions about work should go even deeper. Does all work really matter? Does it matter equally? Is being "true to your craft" the same thing as being faithful at work?

  • Work: A History of How We Spend Our Time
    By James Suzman

    A revolutionary new history of humankind through the prism of work, from the origins of life on Earth to our ever-more automated present 'A fascinating exploration that challenges our basic...

  • Work: A Story of Experience by Louisa May Alcott - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
    By Louisa May Alcott

    This eBook features the unabridged text of ‘Work: A Story of Experience’ from the bestselling edition of ‘The Complete Works of Louisa May Alcott’.

  • Work: A Critique
    By Steven Vallas

    This book provides a critical overview of the myriad literatures on “work,” viewed not only as a product of the marketplace but also as a social and political construct.

  • Work: Making a Living and Making a Life
    By Joshua Halberstam

    A thought-provoking compilation of interviews, anecdotes, humor, and essays offers a close-up look at the world of work, what we find fulfilling or frustrating about our careers, and how we balance the need to make a living with our ...

  • Work: Personal Lives and Social Policy
    By Gerry Mooney

    This textbook explores the dynamics of work, personal lives and social policy by examining welfare work and voluntary work, old age, work and welfare and the politics of welfare to work policies.

  • Work: A Story of Experience
    By Louisa May Alcott

    This semi-autobiographical tale recounts Alcott's initiation into the world of work and what that meant as a woman in nineteenth-century America.