A very brief history of the trading system -- The WTO in a nutshell -- Trade in goods -- Services, intellectual property, and plurilateral agreements -- Dispute settlement and transparency -- Developing countries and the multilateral ...
Fully updated throughout, this book continues to be essential reading for students of international trade, international political economy, commercial law and international organizations as well as activists and others interested in a ...
Fully updated throughout, this book continues to be essential reading for students of international trade, international political economy, commercial law and international organizations as well as activists and others interested in a ...
This book separates the facts from the propaganda and provides an accessible overview of the WTO's history, structure and policies as well as a discussion of the future of the organization.
A very brief history of the trading system -- The WTO in a nutshell -- Trade in goods -- Services, intellectual property, and plurilateral agreements -- Dispute settlement and transparency -- Developing countries and the multilateral ...
Analyzes the main issues in any debate on U.S. participation in WTO and addresses some of the criticisms leveled at the org.