The 4 country volumes are arranged by global region--Africa, Americas, Asia & Oceania, and Europe--while a United Nations volume focuses on that organization's purposes, principles, and agencies, including the Security Council and Human ...
Worldmark Encyclopedia of the Nations: Asia & Oceania
Covers the geography, history, economics and political make-up of Africa and her countries
Worldmark Encyclopedia of the Nations
Worldmark Encyclopedia of the Nations
Titles of volumes are: V.1 - United Nations; V.2 - Africa; V.3 - Americas, V.4 - Asia & Oceania; V.5 - Europe; V.6 - World Leaders.
Worldmark encyclopedia of the nations
Worldmark Encyclopedia of the Nations: Africa
Titles of volumes are: V.1 - United Nations; V.2 - Africa; V.3 - Americas, V.4 - Asia & Oceania; V.5 - Europe; V.6 - World Leaders.
Titles of volumes are: V.1 - United Nations; V.2 - Africa; V.3 - Americas, V.4 - Asia & Oceania; V.5 - Europe; V.6 - World Leaders.
Covers the geography, history, economics and political make-up of Africa and her countries.
Titles of volumes are: V.1 - United Nations; V.2 - Africa; V.3 - Americas, V.4 - Asia & Oceania; V.5 - Europe; V.6 - World Leaders.
Titles of volumes are: V.1 - United Nations; V.2 - Africa; V.3 - Americas, V.4 - Asia & Oceania; V.5 - Europe; V.6 - World Leaders.
Worldmark Encyclopedia of the Nations
A collection of articles that provide information about 201 countries and dependencies, each divided into forty or more mini essays that examine geographic, demographic, economic, social, historical, and political issues;...