For all students, but especially for visual learners, the popular "Blueprints for Writing" in the rhetorical chapters offer models and concrete guidance, as do "Templates," which, new this edition, help students structure sentences and ...
Writing With Confidence: Writing Effective Sentences and Paragraphs, Vangobooks + Mywritinglab Student Access and Study for Writing Skills Summary for...
Writing with Confidence: Form B
Writing with Confidence: Writing Effective Sentences and Paragraphs
A Mountain or a Molehill ? I ( 1 ) All of us have viewed , climbed , or seen pictures of mountains , but how many of us can actually say what makes a mountain a mountain and not a hill ? ( 2 ) Most American geographers would define a ...
Writing with Confidence: A Modern College Rhetoric
Writing with Confidence
Writing with Confidence
Writing with Confidence
Writing with Confidence: Writing Effective Sentences and Paragraphs
Writing with Confidence
Writing with Confidence
Writing with Confidence: A Composition Program for High School Juniors and Seniors
Not only is the process thoroughly explained , but outlining , writing topic sentences , and writing conclusions are highlighted in every : Chapter on the paragraph modes . Conclusions also receive additional attention . • Answer Keys ...
(Includes Writers Toolkit CD-ROM) Text/workbook gives practice in basic writing skills at the sentence-to-paragraph level; additional high-interest readings with writing assignment at end of text.
Writing with Confidence: Writing Effective Sentences and Paragraphs
Writing with Confidence: Form B
Writing With Confidence
Writing with Confidence