Can you do that for me? Get up and stretch until the only thing you hear is the sound of your own breathing. Ready? You are free. In this moment, and as many as you choose to be. You are free to do whatever you want. This is your time.
You get up, do what you wish to, answer to yourself, and don't have to be anywhere you don't want to be. What if you could free so much time that you could discover your real purpose?
Yet a calling feels like something for an exclusive few. You Are Free by Rebekah Lyons reminds us that God has plans for each and every one of us and that abiding in God's presence is how we run free.
Each of these eight remarkable stories by Danzy Senna tightrope-walks tantalizingly, sometimes frighteningly, between defined states: life with and without mates and children, the familiar if constraining reference points provided by race, ...
Yet a calling feels like something for an exclusive few. You Are Free by Rebekah Lyons reminds us that God has plans for each and every one of us and that abiding in God's presence is how we run free.
Each of these eight remarkable stories by Danzy Senna tightrope-walks tantalizingly, sometimes frighteningly, between defined states: life with and without mates and children, the familiar if constraining reference points provided by race, ...