You Are Here: 4 Pack
In 1996, William Rees, a bio-ecologist at the University of British Columbia, published an epoch-making book with Mathis Wackernagel, one of his graduate students. The main idea of Our Ecological Footprint is that it is possible for us ...
One word binds us all: geography.
Emma Healy has grown used to being the only ordinary one in her rather extraordinary family.
Here is one of the lesser poems, though not the worst, called 'Beckett's Theory of Comedy'. It's the last one in the sequence: Picking gooseberries, she said. O is shown moving to the window. Should traps be not available.
Anne Carson is considered an avant-garde writer because of her formal experiments and generic innovations. The label clearly makes some sense, at least superficially: think of her genre-bending first book of prose poems entitled Short ...
Cut through the busyness and anxieties of daily life to discover the simple happiness of living in the present moment, as taught by a world-renowned Zen monk In this book, Thich Nhat Hanh—Zen monk, author, and meditation master—distills ...
At her signings, fans show up with printouts of these drawings for Jenny to autograph. And inevitably they ask her when will she publish a whole book of them. That moment has arrived. You Are Here is something only Jenny could create.
What all these maps have in common is their creators' willingness to venture beyond the boundaries of geography or convention. You Are Here is a wide-ranging collection of such superbly inventive maps.
Go ahead and enjoy breathing for twenty minutes, just being here. You are here, and you have nothing to do except enjoy mindful breathing. This practice can really be very pleasant. I'm breathing in, great! It's enjoyable, very pleasant ...
Encourages children to explore the world around them, embrace opportunities, and experience life as an adventure.
Even our best efforts to help clean up can backfire, sending toxins roaring across the landscape. In You Are Here, Whitney Phillips and Ryan Milner offer strategies for navigating increasingly treacherous information flows.
Focusing solely on the topic of higher education—its opportunities, complexities, and challenges and how to make the most of them—this engaging anthology enriches users' critical thinking, communication,...
You Are Here is Dawn Lanuza’s newest collection of contemporary poetry that lends itself to the idea of giving ourselves second chances.
"No-one has ever seen this place in the same way you're seeing it right now, right here, in this moment." 'You Are Here' is a travel journal that takes you on your own internal voyage of discovery.
A Collection of Poems by Westminster High School students.
Provides an overview of the development of technologies that eventually led to the modern era of knowing where you are at every moment, from radio signals that carried telegraph messages, to invisible ship-guiding beacons, to GPS. 17,500 ...
Divided by continent, YOU ARE HERE represents one (idealized) orbit of the ISS.
Cut through the busyness and anxieties of daily life to discover the simple happiness of living in the present moment, as taught by a world-renowned Zen monk In this book, Thich Nhat Hanh—Zen monk, author, and meditation master—distills ...
In the tradition of The Wonderful Things You Will Be and I Wish You More, this debut book reminds us that "all who wander are not lost." You are here, and from here there are so many places you can go.