I recently got this email from a job hunter: “You once said in a column that employers sometimes check your credit report but that they had to let you know if that was a factor in denying you a job. I think employers routinely check ...
If you think it does, you would expect to get some support from J. Robert Hunter, a consumer advocate and insurance expert for the Consumer Federation of America. He's been sharply critical of the insurance industry on many occasions, ...
Don't settle for an out-of-date guide to credit scoring, when Your Credit Score, Fifth Edition offers brand-new coverage of all this, and more: Recent consumer-friendly reforms in lending, credit score calculation, and credit bureau ...
In Your Credit Score, Second Edition, MSN Money personal finance journalist Liz Pulliam Weston gives you up-to-the-minute answers you can trust-and a proven action plan for building your credit, fixing it, and maintaining it, starting today ...
... [the score provider],” Glen recounted in an email. “[The score provider] won't answer the phone. You have to write in. I did. [The score provider's] answer was, 'It must be your credit report or your driving record.' I got both. Driving ...