This book won't make you rich.
This book points the way. It's filled with the kind of practical guidance and sound insights that makes J.D. Roth's a critically acclaimed source of personal-finance advice.
Guides readers with practical advice for getting -- and keeping -- their finances in order, covering all the money-management bases, from saving and spending to getting out of debt to investing, and planning for retirement.
Where does your money come from? Do you earn it or is it given to you? What do you do with your money? Do you save it, spend it, or share it?
This book points the way. It's filled with the kind of practical guidance and sound insights that makes J.D. Roth's a critically acclaimed source of personal-finance advice.
Gerry Bailey. Money. goes. round. 1 You pocket the packet of gum and put your coins on the counter. 6 The change falls ... goes round and round. The coins find themselves 3 four in tills and that out same of another day. Receiving money It's ...