And here are three books to help you sort out the finer points of writing in English: Evans, H. (2000) Essential English. London: Pimlico. Get your spelling and grammar and construction right with this. Trask, R.L. (2002) Mind the ...
Lecturers, request your electronic inspection copy here 'This is a refreshing and inspiring book, of equal value to both the anxious and the ambitious student' - Lucinda Becker, Department of English Literature, University of Reading In the ...
Fisher, C. (2010) Researching and Writing a Dissertation: An Essential Guide for Business Students, 3rd edition. ... Thomas, G. (2009) How to Do Your Research Project: A Guide for Students in Education and Applied Social Sciences.
A practical step-by-step guide to managing and developing a successful undergraduate project.
'This book is one of the most helpful I have seen in terms of helping undergraduate students understand the methods and principles involved in carrying out research for the final dissertation which many degree courses require.