Youth Gangs in American Society

  • Youth Gangs in American Society
    By Randall G. Shelden, William B. Brown, Sharon K. Tracy

    Williams, K., M. Cohen, and G. D. Curry. 1994. “Evaluation of Female Gang Prevention Programs.” Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology annual meeting, Miami, FL. Williams, K., G. D. Curry, and M. I. Cohen. 2002.

  • Youth Gangs in American Society: With InfoTrac College Edition
    By Randall G. Shelden, William B. Brown, Sharon K. Tracy

    Youth Gangs in American Society: With InfoTrac College Edition

  • Youth Gangs in American Society
    By William Brown, Randall Shelden, Sharon Tracy

    Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.

  • Youth Gangs in American Society
    By Randall G. Shelden, William B. Brown, Sharon K. Tracy

    Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.

  • Youth Gangs in American Society
    By Randall G. Shelden, William B. Brown, Sharon K. Tracy

    This comprehensive survey of the literature on gangs and gang activities in America includes theoretical perspectives on why gangs exist, gang typologies, descriptions of gang activities, and various intervention strategies...

  • Youth Gangs in American Society
    By Cram101 Textbook Reviews

    Youth Gangs in American Society

  • Youth Gangs in American Society
    By Randall G. Shelden, William B. Brown, Sharon K. Tracy

    This comprehensive survey of the literature on gangs and gang activities in America includes theoretical perspectives on why gangs exist, gang typologies, descriptions of gang activities, and various intervention strategies for dealing with ...

  • Youth Gangs in American Society
    By Randall G. Shelden, William B. Brown, Sharon K. Tracy

    For many people, the typical image of youth gangs continues to be the popular media's portrayal of Bloods, Crips, and Skin Heads. But are today's gangs really that easy to...