
  • Zechariah
    By George L. Klein

    The discussion culminated in the publication of the landmark study by Bernhard Stade that articulated fully the classical critical position on the origins of the book . 14 Since Stade , a host of studies addressing the authorship of ...

  • Zechariah: A Commentary on His Visions and Prophecies
    By David Baron

    Maurer , Ewald , Bunsen , and S. Davidson , in support of this theory , have invented " a third unknown usurper ... Abarbanel explains them to mean the three Maccabees - Judas , Jonathan , and Simon ; Kimchi refers them to Jehoahaz ...

  • Zechariah: An Exegetical and Theological Exposition of Holy Scripture
    By George Klein

    G. Mitchell, J. M. P. Smith, and J. A. Bewer, A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi and ... "Zechariah's Visions," 198-202; D. L. Petersen, Haggai and Zechariah 1-8, OTL (Philadelphia: Westminster, 1984), ...

  • Zechariah
    By Richard D. Phillips

    The Book of Zechariah records the prophetic message of Zechariah to the community that had returned to Jerusalem after the Babylonian exile and was charged with rebuilding the temple and city.

  • Zechariah: Prophet of Messiah's Glory
    By Merrill F. Unger

    Zechariah: Prophet of Messiah's Glory